A community website with news and information
for the village of Wing in Buckinghamshire

Supporting Organisations

Mental Health Helplines

Anxiety Alliance 0845 296 7877
Anxiety UK 08444 775 774
B – eat (Beating eating disorders) 0345 634 1414
Calm (For young men 15 – 35) 0800 58 58 58
Chinese Mental Health Association 0845 1228 660
Hearing Voices 0845 122 86 42
Mind 0845 766 0163
National Self Harm Network 0800 622 6000
OCD UK 0845 120 3778
No Panic (Anxiety disorders) 0808 808 0545
PAPYRUS (Prevention of young suicide) 0800 068 4141
Post – Natal Illness 020 7386 0868
Rethink (Mental illness) 0300 5000 927
Saneline (Mental health) 0300 304 7000
Self Injury Support 0117 925 1119
Young Minds 0808 802 5544

Young people can use above helplines, or these below

Get Connected 0808 808 4994
(free, confidential helpline service for young people under 25 who need help, but don’t know where to turn)
B – eat Youthline (Beating eating disorders) 0345 634 7650
Tess (for young women who self injure) Text 0780 047 2908
ChildLine 0800 1111
Muslim Youth Helpline 0808 808 2008