A community website with news and information
for the village of Wing in Buckinghamshire

Long Spinney (with Bewick Green ) NOVEMBER 2020 working parties

Long Spinney & Bewick Green is – as you probably know – maintained by a small group of volunteers from Wing & Burcott
( they always need more helpers to join them – as many hands make light work )
Our November working parties ( socially distancing will be adhered to ) dates are:
WED 4th ( 1 pm – 4 pm )
_ and _
SUN 8th ( 1 pm – 4 pm )
Due to heavy winds and flooding, there is plenty of stuff that needs to be done…
The team desperately need extra helpers this month, so if you are able to come along, please do!
Even if it just for an hour or so, your help is much needed and always gratefully received.
We are expecting approx 420 whips ( bare rooted trees ) around mid-November ( from the Woodland Trust ) and will need to clear the planting areas prior to planting – so do come along and help us with this.
Please see poster for more information!
Long Spinney’s own Facebook page [@LongSpinneyWing ] have more details of our working parties, and there are also posters up at all entrances to both Long Spinney and Bewick Green.
Hope to see a few more on Wednesday and/or Sunday.
Please click on the link below for November working parties poster

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