A community website with news and information
for the village of Wing in Buckinghamshire

Planning Applications

Planning permission

Planning permission comes under the control of Buckinghamshire Council.

You will probably need planning permission if you want to:

  • Build something new
  • Make a major change, like build an extension
  • Change the use of your building

For more information on how to apply for Planning Permission, visit the AVDC website planning portal: www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk

How to comment

Anyone can comment on a planning application. You do not need to have a direct interest in the site or be a neighbour.

Read the leaflet published by AVDC for further information about he process:
Planning Applications – Making Comments (PDF)

Wing Parish Council’s role

Wing Parish Council, like all other parish councils, has no planning powers.

The Parish Council is a statutory consultee, with the same powers as members of the public.

We may comment on any planning application and we may also make comments that reflect those of residents.

Wing Parish Council bases our own comments on all planning applications in accordance with the Wing Neighbourhood Plan and the Wing Parish – Design Codes and Guidelines

email the Parish Clerk with your comments